Apple Valley Animal Hospital - Hendersonville, NC - Canine Lyme Disease

Apple Valley Animal Hospital

3015 Chimney Rock Rd
Hendersonville, NC 28792


Lyme Disease


Lyme Disease is prevalent in our area.

Lyme Disease is caused by a bacterium that is transmitted to dogs through the bites of infected ticks.  People can also be infected by Lyme Disease, but not directly from dogs. Humans can only get Lyme Disease through tick bites, just like dogs. Preventing exposure to ticks is important to people and pets.

Lyme Disease symptoms in dogs include: lack of appetite, generalized pain, lameness (which may change from leg to leg) and high fever. Left untreated the symptoms my go away only to recur weeks or months later.

Our dogs can be protected from Lyme Disease by an annual vaccination. Since ticks are prevalent in our area, we recommend all dogs that spend time outdoors be vaccinated against Lyme Disease.

In the United States, 1 out of 17 dogs is testing positive for Lyme Disease, more specifically in North Carolina, it is 1 out of 49 dogs. Tick borne diseases are fast on the rise. Click the links below for more information:

Interactive Tick Borne Disease Map 

For more information on Lyme Disease, try our searchable library! Click HERE to visit our search page and enter "Lyme".

To see our "Controlling Fleas and Ticks" brochure, Click Here!

For more information on tick and flea control, see our newsletter on the topic, Paw Print.